Jessica pushed a button beside the phone on her desk. Seconds later, the office door opened to admit a tall, willowy black woman.
"This is Elaine, Suellen. She will be your 'sis' for your stay here. Any questions you have, ask her. Because of your assignment for the weekend, you may not get to meet any of the other girls."
Suellen nodded her understanding with downcast eyes. But she did sneak a look at Elaine. Gleaming white high-heeled boots went up forever before revealing voluptuous thighs encased in white fishnet stockings. The shorty pink satin robe gave peek-a-boo glimpses of a white thong, gartered corset, and boobs spilling out the top. Her makeup and hair were perfect. Elaine was the most beautiful woman Suellen had ever seen in the flesh.
Elaine greeted Suellen with a smile and nod, but the eyes were world-weary. Holding out her hand to the now trembling Suellen, she said, " Come on girl, let's get you ready for tonight. We've got a lot of customers already booked and there's always walk-ins, especially on a weekend."
Taking the offered hand for support, Suellen stood shakily in her 'fuck me' heels, turned and gave Jessica a small curtsey and a murmured 'thank you' as she was led from the office.
As they walked down the hall, Elaine went over some of the 'house' rules, "The customers already know the limits. They are not allowed to bring any weapons, knives or guns onto the rooms. We have video surveillance in every room, so there won't be any beatings or snuffing going on here. Well, in your case, though, in the S & M room, you will get whipped and paddled, hard."
Then seeing Suellen blanch under her makeup, she added, "Hey girl, that's what you're here for. And for this weekend anyway, it will be you instead of me."
Seeing Suellen's obvious confusion, she went on, "Yeah, I'm a pain-slut too, so I work the S & M room by myself most every day."
"Oh, then you must hate me for taking your place this weekend?" Suellen asked softly.